Friday, June 20, 2008

Hubby Tag

1. What's his name? Benjamin Carl Stewart
2.How long have you been together? 6 years this month our 6th wedding anniversary is in August.
3.How long did you date? Well we met on June 2 and we were engaged on June 8 and married on August 8.
4.Who eats more? I think I do but Ben will never admit it.
5.Who said "I love you" first? Ben after we got engaged.
6.Who is taller? Ben
7.Who sings better? We're both not very good
8.Who is smarter? I think we are pretty equal with the smarts
9.Who does the laundry? We both do it but I do most of the folding.
10.Who does the dishes? I take care of it mostly but Ben does do a great job at helping out.
11.Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me but Ben and I will steal the other persons spot if they get up in the middle of the night.
12.Who pays the bills? Ben does, I would be in trouble if anything ever happened to him.
13.Who mows the lawn? We both do but since I am home I normally do it more. But it's all good because we both love to do it.
14.Who cooks dinner? Both, it depends on if I have the time
15.Who drives when you are together? Ben mostly and I manage the kids.
16.Who is more stubborn? We both are stubborn but we also know when to give into the other person.
17.Who kissed who first? Ben kissed me and then was out of the car before I knew what happened.
18.Who asked who out first? Ben asked me, actually before we went on a date Ben was planning major trips with me.
19.Who proposed? That's a long story, first I think I said we should get married and then Benn asked formally.
20.Who is more sensitive? Yeah that's me all the way.
21.Who has more friends? Me, Ben knows more people but I have more friends.
22.Who has more siblings? Ben, he's #8 of 9 kids
23.Who wears the pants in the family? We wear them equally. Is there any other way to have it. We do a good job of working together. That's one thing I love about our relationship.

Now I tag Britt, Mindy, and Ruth.
So ladies just answer the questions on your own blog.

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