Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Sunday

Aubrey knows how to shine.

Daddy and Azlie both looking so cute.

Cecilia our little show girl. In almost every photo she's pulling a face or doing something silly.

Alex and her sock monkey that she loves. She's so sweet.

So today was Christmas Sunday and I have to say that it's one of my favorite Sundays of the year. The girls got new dresses thanks to Grandma Sharron and they all got to pick them out except Azlie (daddy picked hers). Ben and I have decided that it cost SOOOOO much money to outfit girls for anything. But look how cute and beautiful they look when they are all clean and dressed up.
Church today was a new experience for us. I got a call while we were getting ready from one of my counselors asking if I was going to church today. Now I found this call a little funny because we didn't get snow or an ice storm last night. I told her yes we were going and I had planned this really great sharing time for primary. After I told her we were still going she told me she didn't think many people were going to show up since it was so cold and the roads were icy. Ben and I found it strange that church would be cancelled because of it being cold. We continued to get ready and headed out for church. When we got on the main roads they were fine and we joked about it. When we got to Church that was a different matter. Our branch parking lot was about an inch to two inches of solid ice. Now after my fall I had on the ice when we first moved to Wyoming I am scared of walking on ice. We made it into the building but poor Cecilia fell four times in the 30 seconds of getting out of the car and then another three times while holding my hand.
We got into church and got the primary room all set up and ready to go and then someone in our branch comes in and tells us that we are going to have a short sacrament meeting and then we are going to call it good for the day. I was so sad. Having sacrament meeting was still really great and I love how strong the spirit is in our branch. We actually had a really good show of primary kids. Church for next week is going to be the same since we are expecting bad weather this coming week. Here in Iowa they only plow the main roads and even those aren't done very well. We have been grateful for buying Bobbert the Mammoth because he handles so well in the snow and ice.
Santa is planning to come on Christmas eve for our house since Ben has to work all day on Christmas day. Our girls have been counting down the days all month. They are all at such a cute age. Now that I have down loaded some pictures I plan on doing some back blogging that I promised.


Filetti Family said...

Love the name of the car! Wow, I should send over some of our warm weather. We have been in the 80's for the past week. On Christmas Eve we went to look at lights with friends and they were all in shorts, t-shirts, and flip flops. Only in Florida!

The Stewarts said...

just rub it in.