Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Leaving on Vacation

So we are taking off tomorrow to go to Ben's family reunion this weekend. We are super excited to go. I have been baking tons of cookies for it so that Alex will be able to have them when everyone else does. We are planning some hiking and relaxing. I plan on doing more of the latter.

Just to update on the whole house situation. We decided to walk away from the house we wanted and have lined up to rent another house that is bigger and better for our family. We will be in a different ward and even a different stake even though it's only 20 minutes from where we are. I am sad and excited to be in a different ward. We have met some really great people in our ward we are in now. They have shown us so much love and support.

I was also thinking that we were off the hook for giving a talk in this ward since we're going to be moving soon but our bishop called today and asked us to speak on the 20th. I thought we dodged that bullet. Oh well we aren't the type of people to say no. I was sort of hoping that we could start going to our new ward so we could start to get to know people there. Maybe we will get callings in our new ward. Our bishop in our ward we are in now said that he wanted to give us callings but the callings that we would of gotten would of required us to be around for a while. He mention primary and Sunday school teacher. I know the primary calling would of been for me since I have been serving in the primary since I graduated from high school. I love singing time and getting to know the kids but I would like to spread my wings in other areas. Maybe it's that I'm not doing the job right. The Lord is holding me back in primary or he's just letting me get what I gave to all my teachers in primary. I wish now that I was a better kid.

We are feeling really positive about not getting the house we wanted and moving into this new house. We are bummed but we are also happy to of been able to find this house to rent. It's got an updated kitchen and also a jetted tub. Also we are going to have a family room again that is separate from the living area. We feel really good about what has happened and are glad that the Lord has blessed us with a bigger rental for the same amount of money. The Lord has really been there for us and who knows maybe he was protecting us from something bad happening.

We hope that the Lord is blessing all of you like he has been doing for us.


DaveandAnnie said...

I'm glad you worked out your house situation and you get to stay with your hubby.

I feel the same way with my callings sometimes too. I always play the piano (which is easy and I like it). I think it's because we are given certain talents so we can serve in those areas. Obviously you have a talent with children (and patience) or the Lord wouldn't have sent you twins! ;) Maybe that's why you keep getting called into the primary. Just a thought.

Kaitlin said...

this post just makes me smile :)