Friday, January 23, 2009

It's great to be 28

Ben and I had our 28th birthday this week. Getting older really doesn't bug me too much. Last year was the hardest so far but over all I welcome the new age with open arms. Ben loves it when our birthdays roll around because for one day he gets to crack as many jokes as he can about me being old. I guess it's good that I had my older brothers to be mean to me or I actually might take what he says personally. For our birthdays we were pretty low key. The way I like things. On my birthday the girls gave me chocolate (lots and lots) and I got to pull "but it's my birthday" card all day long and got out of lots of stuff. The girls and Ben made me a red velvet cake and it turned out really great. Melissa and Jackson came over for cake and hanging out. We love when we spend time together. Then Ben made dinner for the girls and a separate dinner for me. I had baked pasta. Loved it. It was so dang yummy. On Ben's birthday I stayed up till 5:15 taking care of Azlie so he could sleep got 4 hours and then got up for the day. I did miss making him birthday breakfast but once he found out how late I was up all was forgiven. He spent the day playing a game that we bought him for his birthday and then we went out to run some errands. After we did that we went to his brothers house and we got treated to take out. I wanted Mexican and Ben wanted Chinese. We got Chinese but it was so yummy anyway I really didn't care. That was our birthdays. Nothing too fancy but had a great time as a family. I am so excited to see what happens this next year.

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